This site:, aims to provide information only on the Centre and its work on pioneering a teaching treatment for dysgraphia. The Learn-Write Centre has now closed and Mrs Heather has moved to Rutland. All former clients and applicants on the waiting list should contact her by e-mail: An answer phone operates on 01780 238321 where a message can be left that clearly states your name, address and telephone number; it will be answered within a period of one month. We would like to thank all colleagues, and past and current clients for their support, patience and kindnesses during the past twenty-one years.
E.Pamela Heather

Tel: 01780-238321

The Centre offers prescriptive, one-to-one, teaching treatments, for all ages, for those without and with learning disabilities. These treatments will counter the learning difficulties allied to disorders such as: dyspraxia, dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD/ADD and all other neurological dysfunctions.

We guarantee that satisfaction, good results, and self esteem will be gained. Anyone, of any age, who is currently under-achieving in written English, who needs to gain an immediate improvement of handwriting style, written English, spelling or reading ability, will achieve the following:

  • An easier, mature handwriting style (dysgraphia)
  • A higher level of written language (dysgraphia)
  • Reading and spelling improvement
  • Higher examination grades.

Contact can now be made by e-mail and answered immediately by Mrs Heather:

Alternatively, there a telephone/message facility that is checked on a monthly basis

: 01780 -238321. Please leave your name, address and telephone number clearly to ensure your message will be answered.